" I, profesor Noodle had been researching about the crime and puishment in the meddile ages for 10 years. I had found out the punishment we no longer use. The following are the examples, ripping out the teeth, boiling,beating and blinding. Nagging the husband, witchcraft and working on sundays or holyday were the crimes that must have killed thousand of people. This medieval people were cruel and had no repect for eachother, they were especially cruel and violent to the ones who were poor and had no power. The most surprising about the punishment in the middle ages is the following table how people were punished.
Tourture Device
How it was used
Covering people mouth
Head and arm stuck in a wood
Drunkard Cloack
Barrel worn by drunken person
Similar to pillory
Head crusher
Crushes the head
Foot board
Put mass around the waist while standing on top of the nail
Stretch the body with horses
There are many mystery about the middle ages that even i can't find it myself. My aim is to tell the citizen how people living in the middle ages and how violent it was. Thank You "
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